Peer Review Policy for the Journal of HBS M&DC

The Journal of HBS Medical and Dental College (JHBSMDC) upholds a rigorous and comprehensive peer-review process to ensure the scientific accuracy, novelty, and significance of all submitted articles. Our review process is designed to maintain the highest standards of scholarly publishing.

1. Initial Editorial Review: All submissions undergo an initial assessment by the Editor to determine their relevance, quality, and alignment with the journal’s scope. Articles that meet these criteria proceed to the next stage, while those with significant issues such as poor methodology, ethical concerns, or out-of-scope content may be rejected at this stage.

2. Editorial Board Review: Once accepted by the Editor, manuscripts are reviewed by the Editorial Board. Our highly qualified Editorial Board employs a meticulous editing process, which may require authors to make extensive revisions to ensure compliance with our rigorous publishing standards.

3. External Peer Review: Following approval by the Editorial Board, manuscripts are sent to minimum two external reviewers with expertise in the relevant field. JHBSMDC maintains a large database of both national and international peer reviewers who contribute to maintaining the quality and integrity of our publication.

4. Double-Blind Review: To preserve impartiality and merit, the peer-review process is double-blinded—both the reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout. Editorial submissions, with the exception of editorials, are also subjected to external peer review.

5. Confidentiality and Ethical Standards: All manuscripts under review are treated as confidential documents. Editorial staff and reviewers are prohibited from copying, sharing, or disclosing any content related to the manuscript without prior consent.

6. Appeals Process: In the event of a manuscript rejection, authors retain the right to appeal the decision by providing a clear and valid explanation. The final decision rests with the Editor-in-Chief and is not subject to further challenge. Our peer-review process ensures the publication of high-quality, ethical, and scientifically sound research that contributes meaningfully to the medical and dental fields.