Journal of HBSm&DC

Journal of HBS M&DC, a double-blind peer-reviewed, open access journal of HBS Medical College, aims to publish high quality papers in all major areas of medical sciences.

Message from Chief Editor


Chairman, HBS Medical and Dental College, Islamabad.

Allah TWT says in Quran that “Saulayheen” shall have command on Earth. Most of the scholars have translated “Sualayheen” incorrectly. Actual meaning of “Sualaheen” according to the Arabic lughat (Dictionary) is a people who are competent and proficient or who possess the capability. We, as health professionals, are gifted of being “saulayheen” as are capable of gaining scientific knowledge by carrying out research.

I believe that it is on the shoulders of today’s practicing doctors and teachers, to learn the essential skills necessary to be able to carry out research in an effective clear, methodical and time effective manner. Effective literature review, filling the gap in existing research with new information gained by one’s own research endeavours and its documentation is mandatory to conduct a result-oriented research.

Launching of the Journal of HBSM & DC is a step towards fostering research and providing a new platform to publish good quality research papers based on empirical or scholarly research work encompassing the fields of Medicine and Dentistry. Editorial board of JHBSMDC is comprised of our faculty members well known in their specialties nationally and internationally. Each member is committed to work with utmost dedication in order to bring this journal at par with internationally renowned impact factor journals.

I pray and hope that this journal will benefit people in the field of Medicine and Dentistry and shall unravel a chain of research questions with innovative ideas compelling the researcher to think out of the box.

I am very thankful to all the members of editorial board for their hard work in stream lining the matters of publication. I am also grateful to our national and international reviewers for giving their consent to be a part of this noble cause. I can never ignore the role of authors who contributed to the journal.
Above all I can never thank Allah TWT enough for His Fazal and Rehmatul il Alameen, Sarwar e Kainat Hazrat Mohammad S.A.W. (may peace be upon him) for his Rehmat as it is my faith that crossing this milestone could not have been possible without these blessings.

May Allah TWT make everyone contributing to this journal most capable and may He bless you all with the best of capabilities.