Aims and Scope

Journal of HBS M&DC, a double-blind peer-reviewed, bi-annual open access journal of HBS Medical College, aims to publish high quality papers in all major areas of medical sciences. The Journal seeks to promote and disseminate knowledge and to deliver the complete and reliable source of information on current developments in the field. The emphasis will be on publishing high quality articles rapidly and openly available to the researchers worldwide.

Journal of HBS M&DC encourages the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. The journal welcomes Original Articles, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Studies, Commentary, Book review, invited editorials in the areas include.


All branches of clinical, pre- and para-clinical sciences, Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Dental and Geriatric Medicine, Family Practice, Medical Ethics, Medical Education, Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

The journal offers survey and review articles from experts in the field, promoting insight and understanding of the state of the art, and trends in Medical Sciences & technology. The contents include original research and innovative applications from all parts of the world. While the journal presents unpublished materials, selected conference papers with exceptional merit are also published, at the discretion of the editors.

Review Process

It is mandatory to provide the Institutional Ethical review board approval letter and statistical approval certificate (if stats is applied) for all the research articles, at the time of submission of article.

Patient consent and authorship contribution statement should also be received from the author before publication.

The manuscripts are received electronically along with three hard copies submitted by hand or by post.

Internal editing by the members of the editorial committee and plagiarism checking are the initial steps of the review process. Article is sent to external reviewer for review, who will evaluate the manuscript in the attached evaluation Performa adopting the double blind review process.

Ethics of Journal

The Journal of HBS Medical and Dental College (JHBSMDC) follows ethical principles laid down by scholarly bodies such as COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and also Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research on Human Participants, 2017.

All manuscripts based on research involving human participants or using human blood, tissues and other samples as also medical records need to be submitted along with a clearance certificate from the Institutional Ethics Committee. The members of the Committee should also be listed. For Clinical Images and case series duly signed Patient Consent Form needs to be submitted along with the manuscript. Studies involving animals need to be submitted with a clearance certificate from the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee.